Start Your Business with Healthcare Tendering
We know Health and Social Care business in UK, so when you speak to us, we’re well equipped to help you with whatever problem you might have regarding Bids & Tender writing.
Bid and Tender Writing Service
All your bid writing and tender writing needs whatever shape or size will be met by our professional bid writers and bid consultants.
Bid and Tender Management Service
As well as providing end-to-end tender writing services, the team also offer bid management services, audits, preparation support.
Bid and Tender Review Service
Want an expert eye to check your responses or you haven’t achieved the results you were hoping for, Healthcare Tendering can help
Bid and Tender Writing Service
UK Health & Social Care Bid Writing Specialists
As a healthcare provider, you know that your operational and clinical staff have the detailed service knowledge and insights required to create a strong tender. However, you also know that no-one in your service teams is a trained bid writer. And all of your teams are at full stretch just delivering their ‘day jobs’.
Healthcare Tendering specialises in providing expert bid writing services for organisations operating in the health & social care sector. Our bid writers have over 10 years’ experience of winning health & social care contracts commissioned by local authorities, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), central government departments and the NHS. We work with owner-led and family businesses, charities, CICs, SMEs, NHS Foundation Trusts, and large private sector organisations. Whatever the size of your business, we have the bid writing skills to help you win your next health & social care tender.
Services we support to do Bids & Tender Writing:
At Healthcare Tendering, we have a team with many years experience in Health and Social Care Bid Management and Tender writing. Our team has achieved success in this area.
Pre-Qualifying Questionnaire
Supported Living
Supply of Temporary & Permanent healthcare staff
Emergency Placement
Children Services
Young People Leaving Care and Accommodation Services
Semi-Independent 16 +
Domiciliary Care
Vulnerable Children & Young people care services
Patient Transport Services
Floating Support
Frontline Ambulance Services

Bid and Tender Management Service
Developing a winning healthcare tender within a few short weeks is always a challenge. Agreeing a service model, getting commitment from delivery partners, workforce modelling, financial modelling, writing responses, reviewing responses, getting sign-off, managing clarification questions, submitting the required documents – there is a lot to do!
We can provide an experienced Bid Manager to:
- Develop and manage a project plan. A dedicated, hands-on resource is essential to ensure a high quality tender is submitted on time.
- Manage a ‘kick-off’ meeting with key internal and external stakeholders to ensure everyone is fully briefed and understands their role, their deliverables and your organisation’s plans for the service.
- Work with service teams and managers to develop a service delivery model which meets the service specification, achieves required outcomes and addresses service challenges highlighted by commissioners. Our Bid Manager will also work with your teams to define ‘win themes’ which reflect your organisation’s unique strengths
- Co-ordinate inputs from subject matter experts, bid writers, reviewers and other stakeholders, including external delivery partners.
- Ensure responses are consistent, fully address the questions being asked and faithfully present your organisation’s service vision and values in the strongest possible light.
- Manage the review and sign-off processes and the upload of all documents to the procurement portal.
Bid and Tender Review Service
Improve your win rate through our bid review service.
Whether you are about to click submit and want an expert eye to check your responses or you haven’t achieved the results you were hoping for in the past and want to find out why, Healthcare Tendering can help. Our in-depth review service will assess your bid against three main criteria:
Whether you have addressed all the points the contractor has asked in its questions.
How well you are demonstrating your capability, capacity, and experience and why the contactor should choose you.
How well you are articulating your information on the page, including use of language, styles, and formatting.

Interested in Hiring Us?
Let us help you get your Bids & Tender submissions started today. Ring us or click the button to your right and we will talk you through the process and get you started in no time.